Tag Archive for: environment

Still burning wet wood or household coals in an open fire?

wood pellets winterIn the cold dark winter evenings, we all love to snuggle up on the sofa with a hot drink taking in the heat from an open fire or multifuel stove. What if we told you that burning coal or wet wood in an open fire is very inefficient and has the biggest impact on our national emissions of particulate matter. Would you seek alternatives such as Wood Pellets?

When it comes to using open fireplaces to generate heat, they are not very efficient when warming up a household. The heat that is produced from an open fire, can be lost by traveling up the chimney or by the draft pulling the heat from the room.

Are wood-burning stoves coming to an end?

No,  but “Polluting Fuels” such as wet wood and many types of household coals that provide heat from burning in stoves are being phased out in many parts of the UK & Ireland to help clean the air.

Why are these being banned?

The UK and Ireland have decided to ban the use of wet wood and many types of households coals based on the little particle pollutants (known as PM2.5 that penetrate into the blood and lungs) that are created when burning wet wood and household coals.

What alternatives can we turn to?wood pellets

When it comes to cleaner fuels, this is referred to as Wood Pellets. Wood Pellets are an excellent alternative as they produce less smoke, pollution, are cheaper, and are more efficient to burn.

How do I burn wood pellets?

Wood pellets need to be used in special appliances to get the most efficient use. The efficiency of pellet stoves can exceed up to 90% compared to the 5-15% efficiency of an open fire.

Where can I purchase or inquire about modern pellet stoves?

Examples of modern pellet stoves can be provided by specialist suppliers across the UK & ROI. Wood pellet stoves are an efficient appliance that produces much less ash & particulate matter allowing you to still enjoy watching the flames and absorbing the heat on a cold dark evening that is produced from Balcas Energy’s locally produced wood pellets.

If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment, please contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.

Thank You,

Balcas Energy


Is this the right time to move towards renewable energy?

As you are probably aware the cost of fossil fuels like heating oil, LPG, and natural gas for heating your home or business has increased significantly in recent months. Whatever their price fossil fuels contain carbon and other harmful emissions that are released when burnt leading to global warming. Now you can help save the planet while moving to a more sustainable cost-effective heating source for your home such as wood pellets.

Benefits of Wood Pellets:

  • Energy efficiency: Balcas Energy wood pellets are an efficient heating fuel source. Our wood pellets are a consistent manufactured fuel that contains little to no moisture or ash, compared with other wood-based fuel sources like logs and woodchip. When used in a suitable appliance our wood pellets can achieve an efficiency of greater than 90%.
  • A renewable resource: Unlike fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas which have limited supplies, locally produced wood pellets are a renewable resource. Here at Balcas Energy, we consider our wood pellets a sustainable fuel as for every tree we use, 4 more are planted ensuring new trees are always taking root and growing.
  • Sustainable: Related to the renewability issue, locally produced Balcas Energy pellets are also sustainable and less impacted by the volatility caused by unpredictable global risks.
  • Lower emissions: Balcas Energy pellets are a carbon-neutral fuel. When used in suitable appliances harmful particulate emissions from our wood pellet fuel are extremely low.
  • Cost-effective and affordable: Bioenergy appliances such as stoves are affordable to purchase and install compared to other types of renewable appliances.

Why not view our recent articles that are available on our news page to gain a better knowledge of bioenergy or read one of our recent articles based on why you should be using Balcas Energy pellets to heat your home or business.

If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment, please subscribe to our newsletter or contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.


To place an online order please click below:


Thank You,

Balcas Energy


Smart Grid Ireland

Interested in how you can decarbonise your business and start making an immediate difference to climate change? Make sure to follow Smart Grid Ireland to gain key information on how this can be achieved.

Smart Grid Ireland is conducting a webinar Tomorrow (Thursday 28th October 2021) that will discuss how wood pellets can play a part in the future energy mix!


To register your interest, please click HERE



Net-Zero by 2050

The UK has agreed that they plan to become net-zero by 2050. That means greenhouse gas emissions would be intensely reduced, any remaining emissions offset, neutralising environmental impact, and slowing climate change. Many of us will be thinking how does a city blocked with traffic and crowded full of carbon-emitting processes and structures from fossil fuels reach such a goal?



Here at Balcas Energy, we just wanted to give you an overview of the government’s plan on how to reach zero carbon by 2050 and also provide some information on how you can do your bit to help achieve this goal.

The plan on becoming Net-Zero by 2050…

An end to waste

Critical demand for energy while keeping raw materials in use for longer, produces good quality efficiency. Capital goods producers may use software that predicts performance through the life of a piece of equipment. Developers and operators of office buildings are the biggest consumers of energy with the use of heating and lighting daily when not needed. Continuing on from this sector, the fast fashion industry accounts for 80% of clothing ending up in a landfill or burnt which should be recycled.

More electrification

Electricity is zero-emission when consumed, meaning we should be using it a lot more to reach decarbonisation goals. Progress has been made in developing economies but in many developed markets, the share of electricity in the total energy mix hasn’t moved. There needs to be a move away from fossil fuels such as coal and gas and we all need to accept that higher dependence on renewables is expected.

 Greater use of hydrogen

Hydrogen is light, storable, and produces no direct CO2 emissions when transformed into energy.

Carbon sequestration

As we all want to achieve a net-zero world, the growth of carbon capture hubs should continue to rise. There is a big role in sustainable forestation, improving soil management techniques, protecting natural carbon sinks such as wetlands, and restoring damaged habitats. This is why we support and practice sustainable foresting and manufacturing, whilst also satisfying timber manufacturing processes and providing renewables for heating to the energy sector.

To read more about the plan, please visit: https://www.cib.barclays/our-insights/Emission-impossible-closing-in-on-net-zero.html

How can we help achieve this plan?

Wood pellets are a renewable solid wood fuel available today and can have a massive impact on achieving net-zero by 2050. High standard Wood Pellets (ie: ENPlus A1 standard) create little ash when burnt, and are renewable (sourced from sustainable woodlands). Here at Balcas Energy, we create the wood pellets in our plants in Northern Ireland and Scotland to ensure they are developed to a high standard – unlike others sold on the market which might be imported and traveling a long distance to the destination.


If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment and the climate change plan, please visit our FAQ page if you have any questions and if these cannot be resolved, contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.

To place an online order please click below:



Recycle week 2021

Recycle Week is Recycle Now’s flagship annual event which is a celebration of recycling across the nation. It has now been operating for 18 years and it’s the one week of the year where retailers, brands, waste management companies, trade associations, governments, and the media come together to achieve one goal: to galvanise the public into recycling more of the right things, more often.

This year’s theme: Step It Up This Recycle Week

The Climate Crisis is a tough subject. But we’re a nation of even tougher subjects. The last 15 months have shown that. And while throughout the past year many things have happened over which we’ve had no control, the Climate Crisis is something we can actively do something about. Every one of us, every single day. Most of us already do, through small but powerful habits – like recycling. We know environmental concerns are still on the increase, so we need to do more. We need to do it now. And we need to act together. It’s time to join the fight against climate change and step it up in this year’s recycle week.

How do we do our bit at Balcas Energy…

We pride ourselves on our sustainable manufacturing of wood pellets in two of our plants in Enniskillen and Invergordon. The renewable energy used to manufacture the pellet fuel is generated on-site thanks to the co-products of all Balcas saw-milling activities.

By manufacturing our wood pellets on-site we are ensuring:

  • There is no waste.
  • Maximum capacity of deliveries is happening to reduce traveling.
  • For every tree we harvest, four more are planted as we are focused on sustainability.

Below you can watch a short animation in which we present our sustainable manufacturing process:

If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment, please contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.

To place an online order please click below:

If you require more assistance, place contact the team and we will help put through your order or deal with any queries you may have if they cannot be resolved by viewing our Frequently Asked Questions.

Thank You,

Balcas Energy