Tag Archive for: biomass fuel

Don’t leave it too late to get your next Wood Pellet delivery.

Due to current shortages in the marketplace with some other suppliers, we are currently experiencing a very high demand for our locally produced wood pellets.

If you need to order more fuel this heating season, we would encourage you to order well in advance (at least 2 working weeks) to allow us time to get to you.

We are sorry for this but wanted to make you aware in advance.

To order up to 8 tonnes, please click HERE. If you require more, please call us on + 44 (0) 28 6641 1001 OR e-mail: [email protected]

You can order online 24/7 by visiting our Online Shop:

Balcas Energy Team

Changes to BSL

Change of Bank account details

Thank you for your continued business. For alll customers who have received an email or letter based on our bank details changing, we wish to assure you this was genuine communication.

New Year’s Ordering!

Is this the right time to move towards renewable energy?

As you are probably aware the cost of fossil fuels like heating oil, LPG, and natural gas for heating your home or business has increased significantly in recent months. Whatever their price fossil fuels contain carbon and other harmful emissions that are released when burnt leading to global warming. Now you can help save the planet while moving to a more sustainable cost-effective heating source for your home such as wood pellets.

Benefits of Wood Pellets:

  • Energy efficiency: Balcas Energy wood pellets are an efficient heating fuel source. Our wood pellets are a consistent manufactured fuel that contains little to no moisture or ash, compared with other wood-based fuel sources like logs and woodchip. When used in a suitable appliance our wood pellets can achieve an efficiency of greater than 90%.
  • A renewable resource: Unlike fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas which have limited supplies, locally produced wood pellets are a renewable resource. Here at Balcas Energy, we consider our wood pellets a sustainable fuel as for every tree we use, 4 more are planted ensuring new trees are always taking root and growing.
  • Sustainable: Related to the renewability issue, locally produced Balcas Energy pellets are also sustainable and less impacted by the volatility caused by unpredictable global risks.
  • Lower emissions: Balcas Energy pellets are a carbon-neutral fuel. When used in suitable appliances harmful particulate emissions from our wood pellet fuel are extremely low.
  • Cost-effective and affordable: Bioenergy appliances such as stoves are affordable to purchase and install compared to other types of renewable appliances.

Why not view our recent articles that are available on our news page to gain a better knowledge of bioenergy or read one of our recent articles based on why you should be using Balcas Energy pellets to heat your home or business.

If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment, please subscribe to our newsletter or contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.


To place an online order please click below:



Thank You,

Balcas Energy


Winter is coming. Place your online order now!

Reports suggest that ROI is expecting winter normality with temperatures getting colder and mist & fog filling the atmosphere. However, the UK is predicted for an unexpected turn with temperatures set to drop this winter.


November has been a very mild month in the UK but weather forecasts have predicted a completely different atmosphere with temperatures getting cooler as we enter the winter months.

As we approach December, weather predictions have forecasted temperatures to go as low as -4 celsius with the possibility of snow starting from the 24th of November in some UK areas.


With our guaranteed Christmas delivery cut-off date (6th December 2021) just over 2 weeks away, please make sure you place your order before then to ensure you have enough wood pellets this Christmas.


You can order online 24/7 by visiting our Online Shop:


Thank You,

Balcas Energy Team

How much CO2 is saved by burning wood pellets?

As you are probably aware COP26 ended at the weekend. It involved representatives from around 200 nations coming together to address how best to address the threat of climate change. Each day involved setting new targets for cutting emissions from the burning of fossil fuels to eco-friendly alternatives such as wood pellets to try and limit global warming to 1.5 deg C.


Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, LPG, and natural gas is one of the greatest contributors to climate change. At Balcas Energy we have been manufacturing and distributing wood pellets since 2005. In the last 12 months, our customers have saved over 300,000 tonnes of CO2 being emitted compared to the burning of imported heating oil. They are leading the way by heating their homes and businesses sustainably and we just wanted to say “Thank You”.


How do Balcas Energy wood pellets have a good impact on the environment?

  • Carbon neutral fuel
  • Sourced entirely from sustainable forests in UK and Ireland
  • Created using 100% renewable energy (electricity and heat)
  • Locally produced = Shorter transport distances = Lower carbon footprint 
If you would like to know how much CO2 you have saved by purchasing Balcas Energy biomass pellets, Please contact us and a member of our customer support team will deal with any queries you may have.

You can order online 24/7 by visiting our Online Shop:


Thank You,

Balcas Energy Team

What is COP26?

The United Nations global warming conference in Glasgow (COP26), Started on Monday 1st November 2021 and is considered a crucial moment for efforts to address the threat of climate change. More than 100 heads of state and government and thousands of representitives are meeting to set new targets for cutting emissions from burning coal, oil, and gas that are heating the planet.


To obtain key information about COP26 and read about questions being asked In the big U.N. Climate Summit this year, please click HERE

You can order online 24/7 by visiting our Online Shop:


Thank You,

Balcas Energy Team

Net-Zero by 2050

The UK has agreed that they plan to become net-zero by 2050. That means greenhouse gas emissions would be intensely reduced, any remaining emissions offset, neutralising environmental impact, and slowing climate change. Many of us will be thinking how does a city blocked with traffic and crowded full of carbon-emitting processes and structures from fossil fuels reach such a goal?



Here at Balcas Energy, we just wanted to give you an overview of the government’s plan on how to reach zero carbon by 2050 and also provide some information on how you can do your bit to help achieve this goal.

The plan on becoming Net-Zero by 2050…

An end to waste

Critical demand for energy while keeping raw materials in use for longer, produces good quality efficiency. Capital goods producers may use software that predicts performance through the life of a piece of equipment. Developers and operators of office buildings are the biggest consumers of energy with the use of heating and lighting daily when not needed. Continuing on from this sector, the fast fashion industry accounts for 80% of clothing ending up in a landfill or burnt which should be recycled.

More electrification

Electricity is zero-emission when consumed, meaning we should be using it a lot more to reach decarbonisation goals. Progress has been made in developing economies but in many developed markets, the share of electricity in the total energy mix hasn’t moved. There needs to be a move away from fossil fuels such as coal and gas and we all need to accept that higher dependence on renewables is expected.

 Greater use of hydrogen

Hydrogen is light, storable, and produces no direct CO2 emissions when transformed into energy.

Carbon sequestration

As we all want to achieve a net-zero world, the growth of carbon capture hubs should continue to rise. There is a big role in sustainable forestation, improving soil management techniques, protecting natural carbon sinks such as wetlands, and restoring damaged habitats. This is why we support and practice sustainable foresting and manufacturing, whilst also satisfying timber manufacturing processes and providing renewables for heating to the energy sector.

To read more about the plan, please visit: https://www.cib.barclays/our-insights/Emission-impossible-closing-in-on-net-zero.html

How can we help achieve this plan?

Wood pellets are a renewable solid wood fuel available today and can have a massive impact on achieving net-zero by 2050. High standard Wood Pellets (ie: ENPlus A1 standard) create little ash when burnt, and are renewable (sourced from sustainable woodlands). Here at Balcas Energy, we create the wood pellets in our plants in Northern Ireland and Scotland to ensure they are developed to a high standard – unlike others sold on the market which might be imported and traveling a long distance to the destination.


If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment and the climate change plan, please visit our FAQ page if you have any questions and if these cannot be resolved, contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.

To place an online order please click below:




Safe and Secure – Storing your bagged wood pellets

If you buy bagged wood pellets from us…how do you store them? Throw the bags in the garage, leave them out in the garden, or under a protective shelter that protects them from rain? It is essential that you store your wood pellets in a dry condition to get the best results. Ideally keep your bags indoors in the garage or shed.


Storing them in the house/garage can be troublesome. They take up space that you may need; or cause worry in the event of a fire. Here at Balcas Energy want to ensure you get the best results from burning our wood pellets, in safety. We have considered the issue of storing wood pellets in domestic situations and looked at various solutions. We have also created a special page based on wood pellets storage and you can read it here.

We would also like to introduce you a smart innovative way to keep your pellets dry and safe – the SmartBunker™.

What is the SmartBunker™?

The SmartBunker™ is a strong waterproof UV-resistant polyethylene storage bunker. It does not rust or rot. It stands upright, allowing secure dry storage, easy filling, and dispensing for up to 200kg of our pellets. Bending and lifting are reduced to a minimum. And you can throw away the shovel.

It takes up very little floor space and it can be located either indoors or outdoors. Because of its shape, it throws off any rainwater that falls on it. The pellets are stored about 600mm (2’) above ground level, preventing most flood damage events. Wet pellets in our experience do not burn well which is why we want to ensure we offer the best solution for wood pellet storage!

wood pellet storage



Up to now, no specific technical or safety standards have been developed for this type of equipment. However, SmartBunker™ has just been awarded a unique HETAS listing on consideration of the advantages it offers over other domestic solid fuel bunker systems.

If you are interested in more information on the SmartBunker™, please visit https://www.thesmartbunker.co.uk/product/wood-pellets-storage/ and a member of their sales team will help with any queries you may have based on wood pellet storage.


To place an order of bagged wood pellets please click below:


To order a smart bunker with £10 OFF, please use the Balcas Energy customer Discount Code directly on their website. Simply copy and paste the following discount code and apply it at the checkout when ordering on www.thesmartbunker.co.uk :



If you require more assistance, please contact our team and we will help put through your order or deal with any queries you may have if they cannot be resolved by viewing our Frequently Asked Questions.

Thank You,

Balcas Energy