Earth Day 2022

Today is Earth Day, which is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

earth day tree in hands balcas energy

At Balcas we celebrate Earth Day because we believe that sustainably managed forests are our future. We innovate with timber, taking care to use it as efficiently as possible, and four trees are planted for every one we harvest.

The original timber we use is either spruce or pine, which are locally sourced from sustainably managed forests. These forests are the lungs of the planet and we are proud of the contribution that we are making towards fighting climate change.

Five reasons why all our Tomorrows Depend on Trees and how Balcas Energy supports the fight against climate change:

1. Carbon Dioxide is warming the earth and accelerating climate change. Trees absorb CO2 and store it.

2. Balcas Energy is made from fast-growing softwood – we ensure more trees are planted for every one we harvest, offsetting any CO2 released.

3. By making our business local, we are supporting a sustainable timber industry that is making increased forest cover a reality in the UK and Ireland. Ireland wants to increase its forest cover by 64% by 2050. The UK wants to increase its forest cover by 19% by 2050.

4. Trees are the ultimate renewable resource – we can grow them right here without having to worry about global market price fluctuations.

5. Moving from fossil fuels to Balcas Energy’s locally produced wood pellets results in a 100% reduction in carbon emissions.

How do we make our Wood Pellets?

We sustainably manufacture our wood pellets in our two plants located in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, and Invergordon, Scotland.

We make them with renewable energy and high-quality material. So our operations are powered by green electricity. We generate this on site thanks to the co-products of all Balcas saw-milling activities.

Please click below to see a quick animation presenting our manufacturing process:

If you require any more assistance, please contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any enquires you may have.

Thank You

Balcas Energy