Government announcement: Companies must commit to net zero emissions to win major government contracts

We’re delighted to hear and support the UK government’s announcement that businesses must commit to net zero by 2050 before they can bid for major government contracts.

net zero carbon by 2050

Any firm applying for a public sector contract worth more than £5m a year will have to meet the criteria from September.

From September, firms seeking public sector contracts worth more than £5m a year will also have to publish “clear and credible carbon reduction plans” before being considered, the Cabinet Office said.

It means that all firms bidding for contracts will have to meet the new criteria – not just those who win, a government spokesman said.

Under the new plans, a carbon reduction plan will have to set out where a company’s emissions come from and the environmental management measures it has in place.

For the entire press release which outlines the new criteria please read more on the Government website here.


If you have a business and you’re not familiar with these new changes and don’t know how to go carbon neutral, please feel free to contact us via our Contact Us form on our site, sending us an email by clicking the button below, or give us a call at and one of our Account Managers can chat you through everything:

Balcas Energy is the largest manufacturer & distributor of carbon neutral wood pellets, supplying fuel since 2004. We offer heating contracts where you can pay by kWh and help with an energy solution tailored for your business, whatever that is.

You can read more about our heat contracts and about our team here.