ENPlus® A1 Wood Pellets for your Home

ENplus wood pellets became more popular for domestic use in the past years, especially because people are becoming much more aware of the climate change issues and the fossil fuel effects on our planets – this contributed to the decision to start using renewable fuel in many households across the country.

We’ve written several articles about wood pellets, what they are, how we’re making them locally in our plants with renewable energy and the difference between bagged and bulk pellet fuel.

If you already heat your home with carbon reducing pellet fuel, it’s easy to switch to Balcas Energy. Being in control of manufacturing and distribution, we have wood pellets for sale all year round and we deliver anywhere in the UK and Ireland.

With a whole fleet of dedicated Balcas Energy delivery vehicles working from 8 depots throughout the UK and Ireland, we can deliver quickly and efficiently. We are here processing online orders 24/7:

However, if you’re not sure what pellet fuel to order, we have written a short analysis on what you should choose depending on your needs: Bulk or Bagged pellet fuel. This really depends on a few factors, like: storage, biomass boiler, your yearly consumption and heating needs.

You can buy our wood pellets in two ways:

Bagged Wood Pellets

Our 10 kg bagged wood pellets are perfect for homes or businesses without any wood pellet hopper storage. We can deliver up to 6 full pallets of wood pellets bags to your address at once. For all wood pellets prices hit the button below, as they include delivery charges based on your location & VAT.

Wood pellets near me

Bulk Wood Pellets

Blown wood pellets are our most popular method of supply. We have a full fleet of delivery drivers that operate from 8 depots right around the UK and Ireland. For all wood pellets prices hit the button below, as they include delivery charges based on your location & VAT.

Why Heat Your Home with wood pellets from Balcas Energy?

Balcas Energy pioneered and perfected the pellet fuel industry in the UK.

Our ENplus A1, BSL certified wood pellets are made from locally sourced, sustainably managed forests and 100% natural virgin wood residue.

Wood Pellets

Balcas Energy controls the entire wood pellet manufacturing process from forest to flame.

This guarantees a constant supply of consistently high quality pellet fuel all year round.

Being made locally, enplus A1 wood pellets are not as vulnerable to world events as other energy forms, so the cost of Balcas Energy wood pellets largely remains stable over decades.

Why Switch to Wood Pellets Biomass?

Climate change is real and happening right now. Home owners can do their bit by investing in a renewable heat source that’s available immediately. Every year, Balcas Energy’s customers, by using pellet fuel they displace more than 100 million litres of oil (equivalent to 50 Olympic size pools) and save 300,000 tonnes of CO2 (the same weight as 40,000 elephants!).

If you care about tomorrow, choose Balcas Energy – a future friendly fuel that’s available today