Wood Pellets from Balcas Energy

Balcas Energy is the energy business side of Balcas producing locally produced wood pellets, the natural leader of timber. Balcas opened its first sawmill in 1962 and became one of the largest in the UK and Ireland. Our success came from our knowledge of and respect for timber.

In our quest to make the most of every precious tree, Balcas Energy was born. A co-product of our operations is pure sawdust. In 2004, using natural tree resin as a binder, our engineers pioneered the production of high-quality wood pellets.

Originally known as brites, our high-grade ENplus A1 wood pellets have since grown to become 50% of the Balcas business. In 2016, Balcas purchased the UK’s largest wood pellet distribution company Forever Fuels and in 2019, with growth in mind, rebranded as Balcas Energy. Balcas Energy is proud to employ some of the most experienced biomass experts in the UK and Ireland. Thanks to our advanced Combined Heat and Power plant, both of our production sites are self-sufficient, using green energy in the manufacturing process.

Our Production

Balcas Energy’s Invergordon and Enniskillen production sites have manufacturing capacities of 120,000 tonnes and 60,000 tonnes of wood pellets respectively per annum. We provide delivery of our locally produced throughout the UK and Ireland.

Every year the number of wood pellets we supply to the market …

  • Is equivalent to 1 Billion kWh of heat
  • Displaces more than 100 million litres of oil
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by over 300.000 Tonnes
  • Helps our customers save millions on their bills

Balcas Energy Wood Pellets

bagged wood pellets

Bagged Wood Pellets
For Sale

Perfect for homes or businesses without any pellet hopper storage. We can deliver your bagged wood pellets to your address, based on a kerbside delivery

Bulk Wood Pellets
For Sale

Bulk deliveries are delivered by our own fleet of delivery drivers that operate from 8 local depots right around the UK and Ireland.

Why should you choose Wood Pellets?

We empower people to choose renewable heating today, by manufacturing & delivering our carbon-neutral pellet fuel to Commercial and Domestic customers throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.

We bring reliability to renewable energy, with our extensive delivery network and dedicated customer support team

Our team is available to take your call Monday to Thursday (09.00-17:00) and Friday (09.00-16:30) to answer any quieres you may have in regards to our locally produced wood pellets.

We manufacture our own ENplus A1 Wood Pellets with green energy in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Our pellet fuel is available at a stable price throughout the year & we are promoting transparent prices online 24/7.

5 reasons why you should choose Balcas Energy Wood pellets!

  1. A cost-effective fuel – Carbon neutral fuel prices have been extremely steady over the past decade, while all other energy sources change dramatically within the market.
  2. The carbon footprint of wood pellets – Pellet fuel can produce one-tenth the carbon as heating with oil. If the forest the wood pellet material is sourced from is managed sustainably, the carbon footprint is significantly reduced in comparison with fossil fuel heat. This is why in Balcas Energy we pride ourselves on our sustainability story.
  3. Forests can directly benefit – By using environmentally reliable sources for production, burning pellets releases fewer carbon emissions than if trees were left to decompose in the forest. This allows modern forestry organisations to enhance the rate of carbon elimination from the environment by replanting new trees which absorb CO2.
  4. Wood pellets are natural – When it comes to using pellets, there are no chemicals or dangerous extracts included that could be harmful to you or the environment. Pellet fuel is made from scratch using green energy and high-quality material from trees grown in sustainable forests.
  5. Storing is very easy – Pellets can be stored in any dry room. They are not easy to ignite and do not pose a significant fire hazard. Whereas fossil fuels such as fuel oil, gas, diesel fuel, and coal are easily flammable and contain harmful odours.

The Solution to climate change grows in trees…

When a tree falls to the ground and rots, it releases carbon dioxide. When we harvest a tree from a local forest, Balcas uses every part of it to create timber products and energy. The products we create from the timber such as those used in construction become long-term carbon sinks that store carbon long after the original tree would have rotted and decayed if left in the forest naturally. We also use 100% renewable energy to create the wood pellets in our two local plants in Enniskillen and Invergordon.

  • Since trees absorb carbon as they grow, forest growth will balance the carbon emitted by burning wood for energy.

Using  our locally produced carbon – neutral pellet fuel can benefit the climate thanks to a two-fold displacement effect:

    • First, energy is produced from biomass when it would otherwise have been produced by fossil-fuel energy, so significant emissions are avoided by keeping fossil fuels in the ground.
    • Additionally, the alternative fate of wood residue would most likely be to rot and decay, emitting greenhouse gases as it did so.

While the action of burning wood waste itself creates CO2, the net effect is beneficial because of these displacement effects.

Accreditations and Certifications

© Copyright 2025 - Balcas Energy | Balcas | In 2024 we are proud to have partnered with MND Scotland, and Helping Hand – Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children