Tag Archive for: bulk wood pellets

Still burning wet wood or household coals in an open fire?

wood pellets winter

wood pellets winter

In the cold dark winter evenings, we all love to snuggle up on the sofa with a hot drink taking in the heat from an open fire or multifuel stove. What if we told you that burning coal or wet wood in an open fire is very inefficient and has the biggest impact on our national emissions of particulate matter. Would you consider using wood pellets.

When it comes to using open fireplaces to generate heat, they are not very efficient when warming up a household. The heat that is produced from an open fire, can be lost by traveling up the chimney or by the draft pulling the heat from the room.

Are wood-burning stoves coming to an end?

No,  but “Polluting Fuels” such as wet wood and many types of household coals that provide heat from burning in stoves are being phased out in many parts of the UK & Ireland to help clean the air.

Why are these being banned?

The UK and Ireland have decided to ban the use of wet wood and many types of household coals based on the little particle pollutants (known as PM2.5 that penetrate the blood and lungs) that are created when burning wet wood and household coals.

What alternatives can we turn to?

wood pellets

wood pellets

When it comes to cleaner fuels, this is referred to as Wood Pellets. Wood Pellets are an excellent alternative as they produce less smoke, pollution, are cheaper, and are more efficient to burn.

How do I burn wood pellets?

Wood pellets need to be used in special appliances to get the most efficient use. The efficiency of pellet stoves can exceed up to 90% compared to the 5-15% efficiency of an open fire.

Where can I purchase or inquire about modern pellet stoves?

Examples of modern pellet stoves can be provided by specialist suppliers across the UK & ROI. Wood pellet stoves are an efficient appliance that produces much less ash & particulate matter allowing you to still enjoy watching the flames and absorbing the heat on a cold dark evening that is produced from Balcas Energy’s locally produced wood pellets.

If you are interested in moving to renewable energy and doing your part to help the environment, please contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any queries you may have.

Thank You,

Balcas Energy


What impact do Wood Pellets have on climate change?

wood pellets fuel storeFor decades, the wood residue from manufacturing & sawmilling processes was burned in beehive burners and unwanted logs, branches, and tops from harvesting were left on site, creating fire and insect risks. Today, an increasing amount of that is being turned into wood pellets.

Here at Balcas Energy, our locally produced pellets are manufactured sustainably from the virgin wood residue as a co-product of Balcas’s sawmilling process.  The original timber is either spruce or pine and they are locally sourced from sustainably managed forests, accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council. Our pellets are available to be delivered all across UK and ROI ensuring our consumers can do their part in helping the environment.

So, what impacts do they have on environment…

Wood pellets are part of the climate change solution as we switch away from fossil fuels. The energy industry is increasingly using biomass to replace fossil fuels to substantially lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Wood pellets are supported a lot when it comes to providing energy. The worlds leading authority on climate change known as The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has recognised the significant GHG mitigation potential of biomass as much as 80 to 90% provided that it is developed sustainably and used efficiently (Murray, 2020).

Why choose Balcas Energy?

wood pelletsThe wood pellets created here at Balcas Energy are created to a high standard, bagged securely, and meet ENplus A1 certification standards which ensures your biomass appliance will need to face any issues from the wood pellets we create.

When choosing wood pellets, it is good to know where they come from and how they are produced as many of us would like to ensure they are created in a way that is sustainable and has a good impact on the environment.

When a tree falls to the ground and rots, it releases carbon dioxide. When we harvest a tree from a local forest, Balcas uses every part of it to create timber products, energy, and ensures four more trees are planted. The products we create from the timber such as those used in construction become long-term carbon sinks that store carbon long after the original tree would have rotted and decayed if left in the forest naturally. We also use 100% renewable energy to create the wood pellets in our two local plants in Enniskillen and Invergordon.  Please watch our sustainability video that outlines how Balcas Energy performs  Balcas Sustainability Story. From tree to renewable energy and back to the tree. – YouTube

Here at Balcas Energy, our main aim is to provide good quality wood pellets at a competitive price to ensure our customers get excellent renewable energy. If you have any queries please check our FAQ page before contacting us.

To place an order:

Thank You,

Balcas Energy


Summer Bank Holiday 29th of August

Do you know where your wood pellets are produced?

Notice of temporary ENplus wood pellets suspension

Island Pellet Stoves

Site Visit to our Enniskillen Plant

All the different pallet sizes of bagged wood pellets available in your area!

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