Rectification: Our office will be open on Monday, 31st of May for the Spring bank holiday. We will deliver as normal in the Republic of Ireland on the 31st of May, but deliveries in the UK will be resumed as normal on 1st of June.
Online Orders are still open as normal 24/7. You can also send us an email or a message via our site and we’ll respond anytime: 11:13:272025-03-03 16:11:09Why to buy Bagged wood pellets and why they’re a good choice for your home
Our office is closed on Monday, 3rd of May for the Early May bank holiday. We’ll reopen as normal on Tuesday, 4th of May.
Our Online Shop is still open as normal and you can order online anytime you want. You can also send us an email or a message via our site or email and we’ll respond once we’re back. 09:36:282021-04-27 09:36:28Early May bank holiday
Today is Earth Day, which is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
At Balcas we celebrate Earth Day because we believe that sustainably managed forests are our future. We innovate with timber, use it as efficiently as possible, and ensure every tree we harvest, more is planted.
The original timber we use is either spruce or pine, which are locally sourced from sustainably managed forests. These forests are the lungs of the planet and we are proud of the contribution that we are making towards fighting climate change.
Five reasons why all our Tomorrows Depend on Trees and how Balcas Energy supports the fight against climate change:
1. Carbon Dioxide is warming the earth and accelerating climate change. Trees absorb CO2 and store it.
2. Balcas Energy is made from fast-growing softwood – we ensure more trees are planted for every one we harvest, offsetting any CO2 released.
3. By making our business local, we are supporting a sustainable timber industry that is making increased forest cover a reality in the UK and Ireland. Ireland wants to increase its forest cover by 64% by 2050. The UK wants to increase its forest cover by 19% by 2050.
4. Trees are the ultimate renewable resource – we can grow them right here without having to worry about global market price fluctuations.
5. Moving from fossil fuels to Balcas Energy’s locally produced wood pellets results in a 100% reduction in carbon emissions.
How do we make our Wood Pellets?
We sustainablymanufacture our wood pellets in our two plants located in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, and Invergordon, Scotland.
We make them with renewable energy and high-quality material. So our operations are powered by green electricity. We generate this on site thanks to the co-products of all Balcas saw-milling activities.
Please click below to see a quick animation presenting our manufacturing process:
If you require any more assistance, please contact us and a member of our customer support team will help with any enquires you may have.
Thank You
Balcas Energy 08:42:242025-01-31 16:51:46Earth Day 2022
The use of wood pellets depends on the objective. Pellet fuel can be used for various reasons: from 100% carbon neutral heating (home and/or business) to horse bedding, for example. For clarification, we wrote an article on what wood pellets are here.
If wood pellets are manufactured from sustainable sources, with proper technology, and delivered on short distances from local storing depots, they represent a zero carbon heating option for any home or business.
This is the main reason we at Balcas Energy are promoting the sustainability story of our pellets, as we make them in lour two local plants in Northern Ireland and Scotland, from wood obtained from our local sustainable forests. Using green energy for manufacturing the pellets is another factor that contributes to the carbon neutral benefit. You can read about the entire manufacturing process in Balcas Energy* here.
Climate change is a real threat to our planet and it’s one of the most important reasons why home owners and businesses opt in for renewable energy. Using pellets as a renewable fuel can benefit the climate thanks to a two-fold displacement effect:
First, energy is produced from biomass when it would otherwise have been produced by fossil-fuel energy, so significant emissions are avoided by keeping those fuels in the ground.
Additionally, the alternative fate of wood residue would most likely be to rot and decay, emitting greenhouse gases as it did so.
While the action of burning wood waste itself creates CO2, the net effect is beneficial because of these displacement effects.
The triple carbon benefit of forest biomass:
Trees sequester carbon as they grow.
Carbon is locked away in timber products that displace carbon-intensive products.
At end of life, forest products can be converted into carbon neutral energy and used for heating and generating electricity.
*Balcas Energy is the largest manufacturer and distributor of wood pellets in the UK and Ireland. We manufacture the fuel and deliver it all year round. Online ordering is available 24/7. 09:39:062025-01-31 16:52:46Why do people use wood pellets?
At present, in the context of COVID-19, we are fully operational and conducting Bulk & Bagged deliveries and business commitments to our normal service. Read More… 14:18:222021-03-29 14:18:22Easter Holiday: Balcas Energy Office opening times 12:11:122025-01-31 16:53:10Heat Saving Tips to keep your loved one warm this Valentine’s Day
The forest looks alive in the coastal part of Oregon, USA, where this smiley face measuring 80 meters in diameter appeared in the middle of the hills in the autumn of 2020. This was all planned out and planted by Hampton Lumber, in the middle of the forest, between the American towns of Grand Ronde and Willamina, according to
Photo: Reddit / The Oregonian
How did this happen?
According to Hampton Lumber, it took a week to plant the smiley back in 2011. They used a rope to measure the circle and the eyes and mouth were triangulated from that point.
As the smiley is supposed to be yellow, larch was used as the base and for the eyes and mouth, douglas fir was planted. As the larch turns yellow in the autumn, that is the best time to see the giant smiley.
How long will the huge hillside smiley face last naturally?
It’s not certain how the smiley face will change over time. The face will certainly “age” as the trees grow, but it’s probably safe to say the effect will last for another 10 years or so.
Planting trees is part of Balcas sustainability story as well
Without sustainably managing the local forests, we wouldn’t be able to play our role in fighting the climate change on the long run.
We believe that sustainably managed forests are our future. So we’re taking care to use trees as efficiently as possible, planting four trees for every one we harvest.
Forests are the lungs of the planet. 10:51:322021-01-25 10:51:32Trees form large smiley face in the forest :)