Latest News Balcas Energy Wood Pellets

These are the latest news from Balcas Energy Wood Pellets:

pellet stoves

Pellet Stoves – Create An Efficiency Factor of More than 90%

A pellet stove can clearly provide heat for the room where it is situated.  However the real benefits come from linking the stove to a back boiler to generate hot water and heating for the rest of the household or organisation.

earth day

Happy Earth Day

wood pellets

Energy Saving Tips

pellet stoves

Household Coal fires to be banned in fight to cut emissions

wood pellets

brites featured on Climate Week on RTÉ

wood pellets

Make Black Friday Green Again

wood pellets

George Kidney – Acknowledgement

  Balcas were very sorry to learn this weekend of the death of George Kidney OBE, aged 91 years of age. George was the founder of Ballycassidy Sawmills Limited in 1962, this being the entity that grew into the Balcas Timber Ltd that we know today. George led the growth and development of Balcas during […]

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